
Transactions automated by Smart Contract rules

Transactions are automatically managed by the Smart Contract.

Right of use

The owner badge holder reserves the right to restrict access in the event of violations of the Services, including suspected illegal activity or violations of the Terms of Use. No guarantee on the quality of the service The service may be temporarily inaccessible or not working.

Users' responsibility

Users are encouraged to verify and control the risk of executing transactions and the smart contract.


Users are responsible for any taxes or anything else required by current legislation for the use of the services offered by the Smart Contract.

Limitation of Liability

The service is provided as is and when available without any other type of guarantees. Waiver of injunctive relief Users waive the right to obtain injunctions.

End of service

This agreement may be terminated by either party, and the contract badge owner reserves the right to terminate the service at any time.

Modification of service agreements

Service agreements may be modified.


Regarding Privacy Policy issues, you can contact us at info@zerocollateral.eu

Last updated